Story | 10/12/2023 09:11:00 | 1 min Read time

Together towards better times

When will the interest rates decrease? When will there be forecasts for growth in construction? When will the Russian aggression war end? When will consumer confidence improve? When will we see a positive turn in the demand for timber and products made from it?

There are all questions that we are probably wondering daily. I don't think anyone has answers to these questions. At least I don't, although with my long-term experience I have quite often been right in forecasting e.g. the demand for timber. We are truly living in exceptional times, I have never experienced such a challenging global situation before in my career. However, one of the most interesting things about this industry is finding ways to overcome challenging situations as winners. At UPM Timber, we act according to our customer promise, Setting the Standard, and bring significant added value to our customers in all market situations to maintain and further build your success.

Despite the challenging market situation, there is no reason for despair for anyone. Yes, the situation is challenging now and certainly in the near future, but I believe that the demand for sawn timber and products made from it looks great in the medium and long term. The use of wood products will grow globally, and we will see a time when demand exceeds supply. And not least due to the responsibility and positive environmental effects of wood products, which will be increasingly important competitive advantages in construction, renovation and all other segments where products made from sawn timber are used.

We at UPM Timber wish to continue and further deepen our co-operation with our customers. Together, we will come out as winners from the challenging time at hand, and we will be stronger and more ready to face the better times of the future in all markets around the world.

I would like to wish all our customers good luck for the rest of the year!

Mikko Hyvärinen
Director, Sales

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