Sustainability is not just a core value for us; it is also a prerequisite for our work. As wood grows, it absorbs carbon, and the raw materials used by UPM Timber are always sourced from sustainably managed, climate-positive Finnish forests. Our production emissions are very low, and not a single stick goes to waste.

Climate positivity starts with the forest

Forests are UPM's source of raw materials. UPM is committed to climate-positive forestry that increases carbon storages and sinks. All of our wood is sourced from responsibly managed forests that grow more than they are harvested.

We use a certified wood origin tracking system, and our wood sourcing is monitored. Our sawmills are PEFC (PEFC/02-34-05) and FSC™ Chain of Custody (FSC C086359) certified. We comply with ISO standards (ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001) for quality, safety and environmental control.

We have been monitoring the biodiversity of our forests since 1998, and our goal is to continuously improve the natural diversity in our forests. We are committed to having a net positive impact on biodiversity by creating buffer zones, doubling the amount of deadwood and deciduous trees left in our forests. We have even tied our financing costs to these metrics.

Additionally, UPM produces high-quality native seedlings at our own nursery garden in Joroinen. Our nursery garden is unique, as UPM is the only Finnish forest industry operator that grows its own seedlings. To enhance biodiversity, UPM does not plant just one tree species but aims for a natural distribution of species by also planting deciduous trees. Each year the nursery garden in Joroinen sends out tens of millions of seedlings and kilograms of seeds to UPM’s own forests and to private forest owners. UPM also helps our forest owner partners to take better care of their forests.


Read more about sustainable forestry!

We plant one hundred trees every minute


Towards a fossil-free future

UPM has set an ambitious goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from its mills regarding fuels and purchased electricity: the aim is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 65% by 2030 compared to 2015 levels.

UPM Timber's four sawmills have been completely fossil-free* since 2020 – we exceeded our emission targets ten years ahead of schedule! Therefore, every product leaving our sawmills is produced without fossil energy. Since the production at our sawmills runs entirely on 100% renewable energy, our emissions from production are extremely low.

Our manufacturing processes don’t use harmful chemicals, and our packaging is made from recyclable plastic. In some markets, such as Finland, we have even achieved a closed-loop system for our packaging materials.

Thanks to UPM's wide range of products, we can utilise all parts of the wood: with UPM Timber, not a stick goes to waste. The by-products of timber production are used to make biofuels, biocomposites and even wood-based hydrogels for wound care and cell culture.

Logistics is also a significant source of emissions in the timber industry, and we are transitioning to fossil-free alternatives in the logistics of our mills. We are continuously working to reduce our emissions by increasing the share of rail transport and adopting the latest technologies, such as our own LNG-powered ships and electric vehicles, which help to mitigate environmental impacts.

Our sawn timber production uses zero fossil fuels.
We have met our emission reduction targets ten years ahead of schedule.

* The internal logistics of the sawmills operated by subcontractors are outside this scope and are included as part of the supply chain emissions calculation.



Our sawmills operate completely fossil-free!


A reliable partner for sustainable development cooperation

UPM Timber is a trusted partner for demanding end-uses in the joinery, packaging, furniture, construction, planing, and distribution industries. We assist our partners in promoting the positive attributes of wood and increasing understanding of wood's potential as a substitute for fossil raw materials. Our joint marketing platform provides tools and marketing materials that help promote the message about the positive impacts of timber.


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